
Sexy AmaliaMATURE In Jyväskylä - Seksitreffit seksiseuraa

Nainen etsii miestä / Keski-Suomi / 14
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1495755: Sexy AmaliaMATURE In Jyväskylä

AmaliaMATURE 3012436 Seksitreffit   I am Amelia, a mature woman of 49 years, beautiful,  voluptuous, and very feminine, sexy, sweet and kind, I live in a clean and pleasant apartment, for my meetings.
I am a simple woman, with an exceptional body, I like to meet kind gentleman and gentleman, a warm, simple man, with a good heart to spend a moment, sweet, pleasant and unforgettable, I live in an apartment in the city center is  Very clean and safe. My number is 0408157674. You can also send me a WhatsApp

-If I don't answer the call you can send me an SMS or WhatsApp ±358 408157674

I would like to meet kind, sweet men, gentleman, with a good heart, willing to spend pleasant and unforgettable moments.

I love the company of a polite and respectful man
Tell me our fantasies and together we will make it come true

Kuvia: 7 kpl.
Väliaikainen nimimerkki: 0408157674
Ikä: 49 vuotta.
Jätetty: (11.02.2025 )
Viimeksi nähty: 17.02.2025 klo 17:02
katsottu: 8941 kertaa tässä.
katsottu: 96815 kertaa seksitreffit.fi sivulla.
Katso kuvat ISONA


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Aitous: kuvat: +3 pisteet
teksti: +2 pisteet
historia: +5 pisteet

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09 8569 3748
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